Hi, my name is Orla Finlay and I’m the Home School Community Liaison at St. Benedict’s and St. Mary’s NS.
The HSCL programme recognises that parents are the most important people in their children's lives and they are the first people to educate them. It would be very difficult for us to teach your children without involving you, the parents in the process!
It my job as the HSCL to maintain and build links and relationships between the school, the home and the community and to support parents in the education of their children.
Part of my job includes:
Visiting or meeting parents to offer advice and support if they have a problem relating to their child's education. Maybe they are not attending as often as they should be, are having troubles in their friendship groups or find it difficult getting organised for school. I am here to offer a friendly ear and support if it's needed.
Organising courses and activities for parents. For example, courses such as cooking, reading, crafts and first aid. All courses and events are free of charge.
Sharing information between the school and home that could be helpful to you, the parents.
Creating positive relationships between St. Benedict’s and St. Mary’s and the families of our students.
I look forward to working together to help your children reach their potential here in St. Benedict’s and St. Mary’s. Contact me on ph: 0867509998 or email: hscl@ardscoillasalle.ie
St. Benedict's & St. Mary's N.S. Grange Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 YK16 | Tel: 01 8470202