Active Schools

This year we are working towards getting an Active School Flag for our school. The aim of the Active School Flag is to encourage children to be more active, more often. It links in with all areas of healthy living which we always try to promote in school like being active, getting exercise, taking care of our minds and bodies.
As well as teaching physical education, here at St. Benedict's we encourage our whole school community to be physically active each day. Here are some of the fun and inclusive ways that we are keeping active.
- Active Classroom breaks like 'Just Dance'
- Active lunchtimes with music and dancing
- Active travel to and from school
- Active homework on Monday nights
- Teacher led after school sports clubs
- GAA, soccer, tag rugby and cricket coaches visit our school.
St. Benedict's & St. Mary's N.S. Grange Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 YK16 | Tel: 01 8470202