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St. Benedict's & St. Mary's N.S. Grange, Dublin 5
Enrolment for Junior Infants 2025/2026 will open from the 1st of October 2024.
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School Self Evaluation report June 2022

19th Jan 2023

School Self evaluation Report June 2022

In the last year, we have looked at teaching and learning in our school to find out what we are doing well. This is what we discovered:

  • Communication with Parents/Guardians has improved due to the use of Class Dojo and Aladdin.

  • We have a Student Council, Green School, Well-being and Active School committee capturing the pupil’s voice.

  • The use of IT for both teaching and learning has increased.

  • All children are taught and learn to read at their own level.

  • We have initiated the use of Maths Recovery strategies into whole class lessons.

  • We are continuing our LEGO and Ipad use to enhance STEM education.

  • We value ongoing professional development and sharing of learning.

  • We have made great use of the outdoors to engage the children in their learning.

  • We are a nurturing school.

  • Focus on well-being, physical and environmental education.

  • Child led afterschool clubs.

  • Flexible learning spaces.

  • We developed a new homework policy involving all stakeholders.


This is what we did to find out what we were doing well, and what we could do better:

  • Discussed and listened to ideas from children, parent’s association, teachers, SNA’s and the Board of Management.

  • Analysed our previous SSE plans.

  • Surveyed a sample of parents and children.

  • Researched new ideas to improve our school.

  • Analysed assessments.


This is what we are now going to work on:

  • Re - introduce attendance initiatives.

  • Target the teaching and learning of spelling in some classes.

  • Continue the teaching and learning of Maths Recovery style strategies at whole class level.

  • Intervene with teaching support in the class groups most effected by the school closures.

  • Continue developing the wellbeing of our school community.

  • Bring more teaching and learning outdoors

This is what you can do to help:

  • Read with and to your child daily.

  • Continue to communicate and share ideas and views regarding your child’s education.

  • Ensure your child is attending school when they are well.

  • Practice forwards and backwards counting with your child.

  • Support practices and initiatives in developing wellbeing.

  • Support your child with the new spelling programme (4th/5th class).